I discovered Yoga in college, and it has been part of my lifestyle (to varying degrees) ever since.
I am grateful for what it has brought to my life and sharing that gift with new and seasoned yogis
brings me enormous joy. It’s so easy for us to lose that easygoing attitude of our young selves,
so I try to approach the practice in a lighthearted, gentle, mindful way that encourages students
to be playful and unafraid to explore their breath, minds, and physical being.
I have had a steady, personal yoga practice since 2012, and have been teaching regularly since
2022. I completed my 200- and 500-hour teacher training with Marcie Wallace and Loryn
Riggiola at the JaiPure Yoga studio in Montclair. I will complete my Yin teacher training in
the Winter of 2024 with Jacquie Ruderman. I am beyond honored to be a part of the JaiPure
Yoga team.
A favorite quote –
“Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.”
― Albert Camus