Loryn (E-RYT 500) has been a yoga teacher for nearly 20 years and a practicing lawyer for over 35 years. To her, the jewels are in the practice, not the pose. Just as the craft of a trade sharpens with practice, so too, does the skill of yoga. How we approach a pose, how we transition from one pose to another will likely mirror how we transition the challenges and changes of life—smooth and graceful or abrupt and forceful. Loryn hopes to guide those, like herself, to navigate the challenges of life in a more spiritual way -- to live more consciously.
Loryn did not find yoga. It found her. Spirit has an uncanny ability to know our needs long before we know them ourselves. God deals each of us a hand, like a card game, challenging us to play the hand beyond our limits and our perceived talents. Karma is nothing more than how we play the cards. Some rounds have been misplayed, others over-played, all as we accept the challenges of life. One thing we never do is toss in the hand or a demand a redeal, we stay in the game. If, through yoga, Loryn can inspire one soul to stay in the game, to play more carefully and consciously, then she will be reminded why yoga found her.
Yoga found Loryn through the guidance of an old friend and renowned yoga teacher, Seane Corn, who taught her to let the movement of her body express the essence of her Soul. She completed her teacher training with Yoga Synthesis and Lotus Yoga. Loryn is a certified pranic healer and arhatic yogi. She is a devoted disciple of her Spiritual Teacher. Loryn continues spiritual study with the lineage of her Teacher and Sri Reverend Jaganath Carrera. She is also a graduate of the Raja Yoga Teacher Training. Loryn is grateful to all her teachers, and above all, to the students who continue to inspire her to hold the cards more carefully and to play more consciously.