Prior to becoming a certified teacher, Danielle stumbled upon yoga as a producer for MTV. After turning 40, she noticed that while she felt better than ever, her mind and body needed more.
She looked for a method that combined true mind/body health but couldn’t find one. This inspired her to develop her Xen Strength Method incorporating Xen Strength Yoga with Weights to create a modern twist on yoga that combines meditation, yoga and strength training so you can become the happiest person you know.
In 2012 Danielle produced her first Xen Strength Yoga DVD, which has sold thousands of copies all over the world, and she trains teachers globally in her Xen Strength Yoga with Weights method. Danielle is a regular contributor to Yahoo Beauty and The Huffington Post, and has appeared on the Today Show, Dr. Oz, and also on Shape, Yoga Journal and Self Online. She was featured in Bobbi Brown’s Pretty Powerful campaign and book, and is a featured teacher on YogaVibes and YogaDownload; she also struck a fierce Koundinyasa in the Sundance darling “Concussion.”
Danielle teaches at A-list wellness events in NYC and The Hamptons, hosted by Wellthily, Gurney’s Inn and Yoga Journal; and she speaks about wellness in the workplace at corporations such as Bobbi Brown Cosmetics.
When she's not running her own brand, she shares her experience and knowledge of running a 6 figure wellness business by coaching other entrepreneurs to do the same.
Danielle believes that her yoga and meditation practice is the sole reason she's overcome her biggest challenges: her mother’s suicide, father’s bankruptcy and poor body image. Instead of letting her story revolve around trauma and stress, living her yoga has allowed Danielle to thrive, and rewrite her story to focus on peace, happiness and teaching others to do the same.