JaiPure Yoga ™ Advanced 300-HOUR Teacher Training - Begins November 2024

Completion of 200 Hour Basic Certification with any accredited Yoga School.

The JaiPure Yoga 300 Hour Advanced Teacher Training is designed to deepen your own practice and knowledge and to assist you in developing the skills to impart that knowledge to others. You will explore more specialized and advanced asana and spiritual teachings.

Commitment to the practice is essential for this training. We will ask you to make yoga and its Spiritual and ethical Teachings your lifestyle for the duration of the training so it becomes as natural to you as brushing your teeth.

JaiPure Yoga ™ Advanced Teacher Training is an approved 300 Hr. program with Yoga Alliance. Upon completion of all the requirements, trainees will receive a certificate which may be submitted to Yoga Alliance for their registration.

Categories of Instruction:

  • Physical: Deeper and subtler instruction in the asanas as well as sequencing and linking/transitioning poses. Further instruction in the use of props: rope wall, chairs, straps, blocks, and bolsters.
  • Assisting: Further work in assisting through hands on adjustments to help students delve deeper into the pose safely and appropriately.
  • Practicum: The trainee must be teaching a minimum of 1-2 classes per week. Instruction will be given for appropriate cueing as well as “theming” a class. A one hour workshop will be required of each trainee on a topic agreed upon by the trainee and Lead Instructors.
  • Yoga Philosophy: Exploration of texts will include:
    • Light on Prãnãyãma: The Yogic Art of Breathing by B.K.S. Iyengar
    • Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda
    • The Diamond Cutter by Geshe Michael Roche
    • The Upanishads by Eknath Eswaran

Prior to first session students must have read or reviewed:  How Yoga Works by Michael Roach and Christie McNally, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali  by Reverend Jaganath Carrera and The Living Gita by Swami Satchdananda.

We will also explore more deeply the art of meditation and Raja Yoga, pranayama, dharma and giving talks at the beginning of each class.

  • Kirtan: More instruction in playing the harmonium as well as chanting with a Master Teacher.
  • Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Service: Service is essential to the yoga lifestyle. A service project comprised of specified hours must be completed by the end of training, subject agreed upon by trainee and Lead Instructors.
  • Advanced Anatomy: In depth study of anatomical alignment and sequencing for injuries and common ailments.
  • Healing Therapies Compliment Yoga:  Discussion and hands on practice of various healing modalities: Pranic Healing, Source Point, and Ayurveda
  • Sanskrit: Instruction on Sanskrit language and scriptures in Sanskrit

Dates and Times:
The JaiPure™ Teacher Training begins November 2024 and is usually the third weekend of every month. Training concludes summer 2025. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory.

Weekend Course Time: 
Saturdays from 8am to 4:00 pm
Sundays from   8am to 1 pm (Some Sundays go to 3pm-4pm)
*Each participant is required take classes at JaiPure during training.

Full tuition is $3700. A completed Application, along with a $1,000. deposit, is required for registration in JaiPure ™ Advanced Teacher Training. Cost of books not included.

Registration & Payment:
A completed application must be accompanied with a deposit of $1,000. to JaiPure Yoga. Checks may be sent to JaiPure Yoga, 575 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042. Credit cards are also acceptable. Please submit your application by mail to the above address or email to info@jaipureyoga.com.

Refund Policy: 
Withdrawal refund prior to start date, $900. Thereafter, refunds are determined on an individual basis. The JaiPure ™ Teachers’ Training Manual other materials are the intellectual property of the author, and must be returned to JaiPure ™ upon withdrawal from program.

Yoga Alliance Registration: 
The JaiPure ™ Advanced Teacher Training is approved and accredited with Yoga Alliance. Upon completion of all requirements, trainees receive a Certificate upon graduation from the training that may be submitted to Yoga Alliance for registration.

Please print out the JaiPure Yoga ™ Advanced 300-HOUR Teacher Training application and send by mail to JaiPure Yoga, 575 Bloomfield Avenue, Montclair, NJ 07042 or email to info@jaipureyoga.com.