Contributes toward 60 Hr/Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Credits
Yin yoga affects our physical, energetic, and emotional bodies and is a practice that emphasizes relaxation of our muscles in various asana postures. Mostly done on the floor, the practice targets on a physical level the connective tissue of the joints. Poses are held for 3-5 minutes with the goal being to safely and therapeutically stretch, stimulate and strengthen these deeper tissues. On an energetic level the practice allows chi/prana to move more fluidly through our meridians. A Yin practice develops mindful awareness of the breath, the body, our emotions and thoughts.

Whether you are a registered yoga teacher desiring to share this practice with your students or an enthusiastic student who is eager to create your own personal Yin practice, this Level 1 Yin training is for you.

No prior teacher training or certification is required just the curiosity and passion to further your understanding of Yin yoga.

In a JPY Yin training, what will I learn?

  • Gain an understanding of Yin Yoga thru direct experience by personalizing and deepening your own personal practice.
  • Principles of Yin Yoga Theory & Practice
  • A comprehensive understanding of joints and their movements, connective tissue, fascia and the difference between tension and compression
  • Learn 14 skeletal segments, 10 myofascial groups, and 7 categories of yin yoga asanas that address these skeletal segments and myofascial groups
  • Principles for both teaching and practicing Yin Yoga asanas and how to make the practice accessible to all populations using props and functional adjustments.
  • Yin Yoga Sequencing
  • History and theory of (TCM) Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Meridian Theory : learn the 12 main meridians and 2 extra meridians in the body and how these connect to the elements, organs, emotions and health of the body according to TCM
  • Explore how to stimulate and harmonize the flow of Qi in the body.
  • Theory of Acupressure
  • Location and function of several important Acupressure points and how you might access these points while in yin yoga asanas.
  • Incorporate mindfulness, yoga nidra, and guided meridian qi flow while in yin yoga asanas
  • Weaving theory into your Yin Yoga Class

Taken this Yin training before? Here's what's new:

  •  Learn about trigger points on your own body and others.
  • Myofascial Release Theory & Practice
  • Treating Myofascial Release with Yin Yoga
  • Fascia’s Role in Yin Yoga
  • Study Location, Function of Vital Acupressure points for common ailments
  • Learn to combine acupressure while in specific Yin poses

Please go to Events for Training Details and Investment.
